25 July 2008

Baazgasgt be vatan,
dobare maahe Augost nazdik shod va ma ghasde vatan nemoodim. in hafteye aakhar kolli kar bood ke anjam dadim va nadadim. Farda 26 Aug. 11:20 be samte Irane aziz ouj migirim taa baare digar ba khake paake aan boose zadeh va havaye delpazirash raa tanaffos konim. Az bas saram sholoogh bood ke forsat nashod ashke shaadim ravaane she! Be har hal ma dobare oomadim be jametoon rofaghaa...
19:30, at office
Bovisa, Milan

10 July 2008

04 July 2008

Where we were, Where we are!

Leonardo campus:

Dipartimento di Elettrotecnica:

Electrical and Measurement Lab:
Since 1886!
PhD students' office:
My desk!
Where we are now (since April 2008):
Bovisa campus:
Mechanics and Energy department:
Electrical engineering division:
PhD students' office:
Il mio ufficio (my office):
The internet speed! hhhheeeeyyy